
Cigüeñales SANZ

Quality that keeps us on the move


Quality at Cigüeñales Sanz

From the start, three main principles have guided operations and decisions in SANZ – PRODUCTION, QUALITY and DEVELOPMENT – and they remain the same today.

International market

Production and quality

To innovate, resources have to be allocated to activities falling outside everyday production. At Cigüeñales SANZ we know that investments made in research, development and innovation in our machinery, processes and products has a direct effect on the quality of our crankshafts and, therefore, also on our customer satisfaction. Innovation is knowing how to successfully deal with change.


Cigüeñales SANZ S.L. was created on 22 October 1947 in a small workshop in the centre of Zaragoza, the capital of Aragon, by Vicente Irache Torres.
The story of an entrepreneur.